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Author Resources

Publication Process Overview:

  1. Prepare draft full paper(max. 8 pages) using one of the PHM conference paper templates
  2. Submit your manuscript through the EDAS
  3. Authors - Please Note: All full papers will go through a peer review process. Authors will be notified of the results of this peer review process and will be required to make any recommended changes to their full paper
  4. After revising the full paper per reviewers' feedback, please re-submit the final manuscript using the checklist below:
    • Finalize the technical content of the full paper and incorporate reviewer comments as needed
    • Check your final manuscript using IEEE PDF eXpress using the instructions below. Rename your final manuscript using the instructions below
    • Submit your checked final manuscript to the Conference through the EDAS
    • After receiving the notice of acceptance, authors need to submit the IEEE eCopyright through the conference paper management system EDAS. Steps: Login EDAS My papers; click on your paper title; click on the plus sign next to the Copyright form; click IEEE Copyright Submission; follow the instructions given on the screen to complete the eCopyright submission. If you have any questions about the copyright release, please contact
  5. Check your manuscript using IEEE PDF eXpress before submitting the final manuscript . PDF eXpress checks to make sure that your paper meets the formatting requirements for inclusion of your paper in the IEEE Xplore digital library . Detailed instructions are provided below.
    • Submit your paper to IEEE PDF eXpress using 53196X conference ID. New users will need to register for a free login. Previous users of PDF eXpress or IEEE PDF eXpress Plus need to follow the same steps below, but should enter the same password that was used for previous conferences. Verify that your contact information is valid.
      • Enter 53196X the conference ID, your email address, and choose a password (previous users enter your password from previous conferences).
        Continue to enter information as prompted
      • Click "Submit"
      • For your paper click "Create New Title"
      • Enter PHM2021xy (where xy is the paper number, e.g., PHM2021005 for paper 005, PHM2021096 for paper 096, etc.)
      • Click "Submit File for Checking or Converting."
      • Click "Choose File." The simplest method for uploading your paper is as a Word file to allow PDF eXpress Plus to convert it. A pdf file is also allowed.
      • click "Upload File"
      • Click "Continue"
    • You will receive an email informing you that the PDF eXpress check passed or failed.
      • If the paper failed the PDF eXpress check
        1. Log into PDF eXpress again
        2. Click on PDF Check Report
        3. Correct the errors and re-submit your paper per steps above
      • If paper passed the PDF eXpress check
        1. Log into PDF eXpress again
        2. Add the PHM number to the beginning file name shown (PDF eXpress will give the file a name that starts with "PID" in a format similar to "PID2890743.pdf." Add the "PHM2021xy" to the beginning of the file name (e.g. PHM202105-PID2890743).
    • Submit your checked paper to the Conference through the EDAS
    • Support for using PDF eXpress can be found at the publication support center.

Important Dates:

Draft full paper: February 4, 2024
Notification of acceptance: March 18, 2022
Author registration due: April 15, 2022
Final Manuscript Due: April 15, 2022
Conference Dates: June 6-8, 2022