Mount Royal, Montreal

Sponsored by the IEEE Reliability Society


Welcome to 2023 IEEE Conference on Prognostics and Health Management

Montreal, Québec
June 5 - June 7, 2023
ICPHM 2023 will be a hybrid event and remote presentation will be an option

Click Here to Register

**ICPHM Policy on Job Recruitment**

The ICPHM conference provides opportunities for professional networking and connecting employers with potential candidates. Non-intrusive job recruitment is allowed and encouraged with the following limitations:

  1. Full-time students and attendees who are not currently employed in a continuing position may post CVs and resumes using conference message boards or through networking with other attendees including exhibitors
  2. Exhibitors may distribute handouts with job opportunities through flyers, QR codes and similar materials but may not actively solicit applicants among the attendees other than through the attendee message board as described above. On site interviewing is not permitted
  3. Attendee lists, when made available, may not be used for the purpose of job recruitment

2023 Registration Fees


Early Registration

Regular Registration

(After April 15, 2023)

IEEE Member

20% off lowest applicable non-member rate below

20% off lowest applicable non-member rate below

IEEE Life Member



In-person Presenting Author (Non-Member)



In-person Presenting Student (Non-Member)



Virtual Presenting Author (Non-Member)



Virtual Presenting Student (Non-Member)



In-person Attendee (Non-Member)



In-person Student Attendee (Non-Member)



Virtual Attendee* (Non-Member)






Panelist** (Non-Member)



Panel/Session Moderator**



Tutorial Instructor or Keynote Speaker**



Committee Chair**



Extra Banquet Ticket



* At least one author must be registered as presenter (in-person or virtual)

** Committee chairs, tutorial instructors, panel members, and panel/session chairs will receive a discount code to register using the posted rates