IEEE Reliability Society Newsletter     Vol. 56, No. 2. May 2010

Table of Content

Front page:
President's Message

From the Editor

Society News:
Stay Connected With Your Reliability Society: Facebook, Yahoo Groups and LinkIn

AdCom Elections: Call for Nominations

Awards: Call for Nominations

Feature Article:
Security and Fault Tolerance-
a Cmap

Chapter Activities:
Dallas Chapter

Joint Boston, New Hampshire, Providence Chapter

Denver Chapter

Cleveland Chapter

Technical Activities:
Annual Technology Report

Prognostic Health Management Conference -
Announcement and Call for Papers

IEEE SmartGrid Conference
Call for Papers

Green Technology Reliability Seminar

Safety & Reliability Workshop

Maxim Resource Library

Security and Privacy Magazine: Call for Papers

Distinguished Lecturer Program:

Call for RS
Distinguished Lecturers

Reliability Society Home

RS Newsletter Homepage

Reliability Society Awards: Call for Nominations

Each year the Reliability Society accepts nominations for two prestigious awards, the Reliability Lifetime Achievement Award and the Reliability Engineer of the Year Award.  Awards will be presented to the recipients in January at the Reliability Society Banquet held in conjunction with the 2011 RAMS in Orlando, FL.

Reliability Society Engineer of the Year Award

The IEEE Reliability Society is soliciting nominations for its Reliability Society Engineer of the Year Award.  This award is aimed to recognize key contributions to the Reliability profession within the last few years.  Nominees will be considered according to the following prime criteria: 

  • Reliability Contributions
    • Reliability Technical Contributions
    • Reliability Management Contributions
    • Reliability Publications
    • Contributions to Reliability Education
  • Professional Services to IEEE
    •  Reliability Society Service
    • Other IEEE service positions

 An administrative superior of the nominee (e.g. department head, supervisor, or chapter chair) should make and submit the nomination.  The nomination package should consist of a one-half page biography of the nominee plus up to four pages of concise descriptions of the accomplishments.  For technical contributions, please concisely describe why the contribution is unique.  For managerial and educational contributions, please concisely explain the obtained benefits.  Please limit identified publications to only those in which the nominee was the sole or principal author.  The accomplishments should be organized according to the above-described criteria, as applicable.  The nominations must be submitted by 15 October 2010.   Send the nominations to Jeff Voas, President, at and copy Dennis Hoffman, your Society’s Sr. Past President, at

Reliability Society Lifetime Achievement Award

The IEEE Reliability Society is soliciting nominations for its Reliability Society Lifetime Achievement Award.  The IEEE Lifetime Achievement Award was created to recognize sustained outstanding contributions to the field of Reliability Engineering.  Typically the contributions will span the career of the individual, usually in excess of 25 years.  The contributions meriting this award must clearly be within the area of Reliability Engineering.

Nominations must be submitted by a peer or supervisor of the nominee.  Self nominations will not be accepted.  The nomination package should consist of a one-half page biography of the nominee plus up to four pages of concise descriptions of the nominee’s lifetime accomplishments / achievements.  Nominations may be submitted until 15 October 2010.   Send the nominations to Jeff Voas, President, at and copy Dennis Hoffman, your Society’s Sr. Past President, at