Annual Chapter Award
Milton Tam was presented the Reliability Society Dallas
Chapter annual achievement award at the Dallas Section Awards Banquet on
Saturday April 24th, 2010. Milton has provided outstanding service to the
Dallas Chapter as the Program Chair. Over the past several years, Milton
has organized numerous chapter meeting speaker presentations to provide a
significant benefit to many local members and others. His dedicated
service was recognized in this award.
Technical Meeting
Co-Sponsored By - EDFAS Lone Star Chapter and Dallas IEEE
Reliability Society
Presenter: Mr. Roger
Advanced Gas Injection to
Turbocharge your FIB/SEM Applications
Date: Wednesday, April 28,
Location: Plano Texas
Many owners of focused ion beam (FIB) and scanning electron
microscopes (SEM) are using pattern generators on their systems for direct beam
writing from beam-gas interactions. With the wide variety of
applications, from the building of nanoscale structures to TEM lift-out sample
preparation, the optimization of beam & gas variables is an important and
complex task. Recent technological improvements have resulted in gas
injection hardware that maximizes operator control and flexibility on the FIB or
SEM hardware. Comparisons will be presented on deposition rates with
various precursors, changes in gas delivery amounts, and other factors impacting
the beam-gas interaction process to fabricate the materials for research,
development, and process control monitoring.