Reliability Society Newsletter


Vol. 56, No. 2. May 2010

Table of Content

Front page:
President's Message

From the Editor

Society News:
Stay Connected With Your Reliability Society: Facebook, Yahoo Groups and LinkIn

AdCom Elections: Call for Nominations

Awards: Call for Nominations

Feature Article:
Security and Fault Tolerance-
a Cmap

Chapter Activities:
Dallas Chapter

Joint Boston, New Hampshire, Providence Chapter

Denver Chapter

Cleveland Chapter

Technical Activities:
Annual Technology Report

Prognostic Health Management Conference -
Announcement and Call for Papers

IEEE SmartGrid Conference
Call for Papers

Green Technology Reliability Seminar

Safety & Reliability Workshop

Maxim Resource Library

Security and Privacy Magazine: Call for Papers

Distinguished Lecturer Program:

Call for RS
Distinguished Lecturers

Reliability Society Home

RS Newsletter Homepage



President's Message

Dear Reliability Society Members,

In my second message of 2010, I’d like to discuss the key outcomes and decisions that were recently made by the Administrative Committee (AdCom).  The meeting was held in Anaheim, CA, on May 1.

To begin, Dick Kowalski (RS Treasurer) discussed the state of our 2010 budget that was approved by IEEE TAB FinCom last November.  If you recall in our 2010 budget predictions, we expect to make a slight year-end profit of around $16K (no loss).  If so, we hope to get back into a financial position where IEEE Headquarters will allow us to again invest in new opportunities using our financial reserves.  Where we stand on that follows.  First, the only real account that the AdCom controls (termed 01900) has been reduced to $171K, a $50K savings over 2009.  Further, we have collected $20K more in revenue that we expected for 2010, so while it is too early to claim we will hit our goal of making a profit for calendar 2010, we are working diligently to do so by extreme monitoring of the 01900 account.  

Second, our publications team continues to do amazing work:  Way Kuo (T-Rel EIC), Bob Loomis (RS VP Publications), and Jason Rupe (T-Rel Managing Editor). We have undergone and appear to be completed with our 5-year publications review with the IEEE TAB PRAC. Although that review covers everything that we publish as a Society, the focus of the review is our flagship journal, Transactions on Reliability (T-Rel).  I am pleased to say that we received very positive feedback to our team from the IEEE review committee (PRAC).  And finally while discussing our publications, you should know that we will increase the T-Rel page count in 2011 from 674 pages to 736, and that Jason is now caught up on our backlog of papers.  If you are wondering why I mention backlog, I am not sure how aware you are but we have been receiving unprecedented numbers of submissions to T-Rel, thus creating the backlog.  This is a good problem to have.

A few other items that I should bring you up to date on follow.  We did look into the possibility of teaming with other IEEE Societies to form a new conference forum in Europe this fall related to IEEE’s major Power Smart Grid initiative  That has occurred.  This forum seeks to become an annual conference around the world on Smart Grid technologies, and I am pleased that the RS will hold a financial and technical stake in these events.  Thanks here go to Alfred Stevens (RS VP Meeting), Bill Tonti (Past RS President), Sam Keene (RS VP Technical Activities), and Eric Wong (RS Smart Grid Team Chair) for helping foster the activities needed to make this happen as well as other Smart Grid initiatives.  If you want more information on the first event in Brussels, go to

Next, your ExCom, with help from the AdCom, just completed getting all of the pre-review paperwork completed for the 5-year Society review that will occur in June at the IEEE Board Series.  This is a cradle to grave assessment of how the Society has performed over the past 5 year, with recommendations for how IEEE wants the RS to operate over the next 5 years.  Needless to say this process lacks much enjoyment, but it just a requirement that all Societies and Councils must undergo. Also while at the June IEEE Board Series, Dick Kowalski (RS Treasurer), Dennis Hoffman (Sr Past RS President), and myself will go before the TAB FinCom to see where they think we are financially compared to last November when we last saw them.  While we do not have many changes in what we reported back then, we do have some positive developments that should satisfy them until we meet again at this fall’s IEEE Board Series

And finally, we are working with Bret Michael (S&P Magazine RS Editor) and Bill Tonti (Past RS President) on a Cloud Computing Workshop in Monterey, CA, to be held in September 2010.  The time is short to make that happen, however we are “pulling out all the stops” to make this happen. And Dennis Hoffman (Sr Past RS President) continues to champion our next PHM Conference events for us in 2011 in Denver and China. They are in the process of being developed.

So as you hopefully can see, the AdCom and ExCom are trying to grow the RS portfolio of conferences, grow our finances, and satisfy a series of IEEE HQ requirements that require much of our resources.

If you have any questions, feel free to write me at:

Best Wishes,

Jeffrey Voas, PhD
2010 Reliability Society President


From the Editor

I am pleased to bring you another edition of the Reliability Society Newsletter. In this issue you will find, among other items,  reports from several local Reliability Society chapters, announcements of upcoming professional meetings within the reliability profession and a feature article on Security and Fault tolerance.

As always, input for the newsletter is solicited and greatly appreciated. This newsletter will publish content deemed appropriate for and of interest to members of the IEEE Reliability Society and members of the  reliability profession in general. Accepted content includes announcements and reports of activities sponsored by the Reliability Society including chapter meetings, workshops and conferences.

Technical papers including reviews, opinions, case studies or new ideas for the reliability professional are welcomed and accepted without external review. Authors are solely responsible for the correctness of results presented and proper citation of work by others.

Deadlines for submission of content:

August 15 (Issue No. 3/2010)
Nov. 15  (Issue No. 4/2010) 


Christian K. Hansen, PhD
Newsletter Editor

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(c) 2010 IEEE Reliability Society