Cleveland Chapter had four meetings in this period.
January meeting was on the “Healthy Heart for You.” Marietta Joyce, R. N. and
Valerie Graybowski, R. N. Southwest General Health Center, explained heart
disease- what is our risk? They described what a heart attack is, what causes
heart attack? How can we recover? How to avoid a heart attack? How can we learn
more? What are the warning signs of heart attack and stroke? Do you have
questions or comments for your doctor or nurse? They brought hand outs for us to
take with us and review. It was a great meeting. The food was good. Thanks Jimmy
for arranging this excellent training meeting.
March meeting was on Ohio DOT Snow and Ice Training. Howard Huebner, Roadway
Services Manager, gave the training. He covered many interesting subjects in the
course. Here are a few examples: Snow and ice control has the single largest
impact to our maintenance budget. Winter road maintenance accounts for 20 % of
our maintenance budget. We need o watch tires on passing vehicles. If slush fans
out like water material are still working. Snow thrown directly back off of
tires, it is time to plow and salt. Snow and ice control is our signature event
for Ohio drivers. It is a big business state wide using 3,000 people, 1700
trucks, and cost $76.6 million in 2009.This was very good training for the
group, safe driving, good fellowship, and great food made it a fun event.
April meeting was on The History of Satellites. Scott Marabito talked about the
satellite research work done at NASA GRC and other places. Companies around the
world contributed to the discovery of the wireless industry. Starting with
Sputnik I he went to TAT-8 showing how the industry grew to where it is today.
He made a very important point that a dumpster contractor is needed. Space is
getting crowded with non operating equipment that needs to be removed. He showed
8 videos to make his points clear. We need to work on making planet earth a
great home for future generations. The food was great.
Spring Roast, Election of Officers, was in June this year. It was a special
event celebrating our 50th Anniversary. The Picnic Grounds were
packed. Many long time members gave short speeches on the good things the
Chapter has done for them. Ernie Bartone and Jimmy Simek took care of the
logistics. The steaks and fish were excellent again this year. There are a few
changes in the Officers and Committee Chairs for next year. Please try to bring
new members into the Chapter so we can continue to serve our members and have
fun doing it. It was a great roast with a lot of news; fun, and good cooking for
a delicious meal. See you in the fall. Our next meeting will be in September.
We are
supporting meetings and conferences on the Management Committees, with papers,
tutorials, and session Chairs and suggested topics. The Chapter Staff are all
working to build our membership. Our golf outing, social events, and technical
meetings are working to keep the members active. Each member is trying to bring
an associate to activities when they can.
Conference was held at the Ohio Aerospace Institute in 2009. There where
presentations, exhibits, training, and splinter meetings in the three and one
half day activities. Award for the technical excellence and I&M Transactions
were received. These activities provide the Safety and Mission Assurance (SMA)
community and Project personnel with a unique opportunity for interchange and
interaction on innovative assurance technologies and tools. It promotes dialog
and co-operation with the Project Managers, Contractors, and Safety and Mission
Assurance Managers. .
here in Cleveland we are having fun, staying active, and serving the needs of
our members.